Students miss out on Reno High traditions due to COVID-19

Delaney Sullivan, Staff Reporter

 The second semester is something Reno High School uses to put on fun events during a typical school year. But due to COVID-19, students are missing out on quite a bit. Many events have been cancelled or altered. Although it is difficult to host events during COVID-19, leadership is doing their best to make this semester fun. 

     “As usual, we are trying to make Winterfest as normal as possible”  senior leadership student Kylan LaGreca said. 

       “We will have to alter a few things, but we are still planning on having a spirit week.”

       Leadership is trying to plan events for this semester that meet the COVID-19 guidelines, but they do not want to plan anything too far ahead in case things change. 

     “We are hoping for more fun events this year, but in the mean time we are going to focus on getting through Winterfest” LaGreca said.  

     Many returning Reno High students are disappointed that there will not be the normal activities. Unlike  previous years, dances and assemblies are not likely. 

    “I love our school dances,  assemblies and spirit  weeks. It’s just something fun to look forward to in the year” junior Claire Glover said. 

    Since many freshmen have never participated in these activities, they have no idea how many eventful things the second semester usually has to offer. 

   “I think we should still do dances and assemblies, just outside and with masks on” Glover said. 

   “This way freshman get to experience it for the first time and returning students get to enjoy them again.”

    “These events give you an opportunity to be with your friends and just have fun screaming lyrics to your favorite songs and dance like no one is watching. It is one of those moments you will enjoy forever and remember as some of the best times in your life.”

   Some freshman students are disappointed that they can’t experience their first high school dance or assembly. 

  “My older brother always tells stories about the Reno High dances and how fun they can be” freshman  Caleb Oster said. 

   “I was really looking forward to dances and assemblies this year, but hopefully we can have them next year.”


   Even though Reno High can’t do the normal activities , there will still be exciting things to look forward to. Events like Winterfest and virtual assemblies are planned. Leadership is working hard to make this a fun semester even with COVID-19 as a huge limitation.