Oxborrow makes the best of quarantine

Liam Hayward, Junior Editor

After news that the Washoe County school district is keeping schools closed for the rest of the year, many students are sad and disappointed. Seniors are missing out on a proper graduation ceremony, and sports and activities are cancelled. Although we are still technically in school, as we are distance learning, it does feel as though the school year is over.

For that reason, Sophomore Bailey Oxborrow decided to make a video and post it on social media that depicts and recaps her sophomore year.

 “The video that I made was a recap of my sophomore year,” Oxborrow said. “I’ve made a decent amount of videos in the past year, like summer videos and even end of the year ones so I decided to make one about sophomore year too. I decided to make the video because they are super fun to make and to watch. I think it’s super fun to look back on the amazing memories we made during the school year especially right now because we are only focusing on our school year getting cancelled. I thought it would be a cool thing to watch and something I can always look back on to remember my sophomore year.”

Although Oxborrow is disappointed about being in quarantine, she is trying to make the best of the situation, and wants others to do the same.

“I have been doing my schoolwork every day,” Oxborrow, “but I’ve also been dancing a lot, working out, tanning in my backyard and watching a ton of movies and T.V. of course. My family played a fun Kahoot game about ourselves, which was something really fun and different, and I have also been trying to stay in touch and talk to my friends a lot too.”

She is also keeping up with her competitive dance by doing online Zoom dance classes with the rest of her team. They are hoping to still compete at Nationals at the end of June. Oxborrow says she is stressed to be a Junior next year because of the workload, but is also excited because all of her friends will be able to drive, they’ll be upperclassmen and people won’t take anything for granted after quarantine.

“I want to add that we need to just try and stay as positive and motivated as possible during this time,” Oxborrow said. “Also, stay inside and stay safe so we can all enjoy an amazing summer and return to school in the fall.”